Business Law Society

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia

Capital Market & Securities Division Work Programs

BLS Legal Discussion (“LD”) is a work program that serves as a forum for discussions delivered by the Manager and Vice Manager on issues and materials about each research division. LD is held eight times in one management period with each topic. LD is given with different and engaging methods, such as regular LD, LD Legal Opinion, and LD Collaboration

BLS Legal News and Views (“LNV”) is a work program for writing legal articles by the staff of the BLS research division. LNV will examine the latest issue in depth from a legal point of view and provide views related to the case. In one management period, there are three LVNs to be published, where one of the authors can also come from the Organization and Entrepreneurship division.

BLS Infographic is a writing work program related to a current issue related to the topic of each study division. The staff will write this topic for each BLS FH UI research division, which is packaged as an infographic with an attractive design. Thus, BLS Infographics can give readers an exciting understanding of business law issues. In one BLS FH UI management period, each research division will make two BLS Infographics

BLS Internal Legal Opinion Competition  (“BILOC”) is a competition for making legal opinions held by each research division of the BLS FH UI 2023 once in one period. This competition is open to all active and passive members of BLS FH UI. The purpose of this work program is to improve the ability of participants to analyze legal issues and provide their opinions written in the form of legal opinions.

BLS Call for Paper (“BLS CFP”) is a paper writing competition work program that aimed to improve participants’ critical thinking and writing skills. All papers that submitted to this competition will be published through this page.

BLS Internal Study  BLS Internal Study (“BLS I-Stud”) is a work program carried out by each division of studies that is packaged in the form of a webinar that can be attended by active and passive members of BLS FH UI. This webinar will be filled with speakers who are legal practitioners from related fields to present legal issues and their implementation in business law. Furthermore, this webinar will be filled with Q&A sessions and Case Study Sessions that all participants can attend.

BLS Study Visit is a work program for each study division that can only be participated by active members of BLS FH UI. In this work program, participants will visit relevant companies to improve their understanding of business law and its implementation related to legal issues in daily activities. This work program will contain material presentations from relevant companies related to the topics brought up, company profile screening, and followed by Q&A sessions. This year, CAPTIES will collaborate with ENRO to run the spectacular StudVis.

Capital Market Legal Class (“CMLC”) is the biggest work program from the CAPTIES Division that open for all students in Indonesia. CMLC is packaged in the form of webinars and workshops that discuss legal issues and the application of the law in the field of capital markets and corporations.  This workshop aims to improve skills that can use to work within the scope of the law.

bls internal study
bls study visit
capital market legal class
bls legal discussion