Business Law Society

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia

External Affairs Division
Work Programs

BLS Grand Introduction is a work program that aims to officially introduce the management of BLS FH UI for the 2023 period to third parties. BLS Grand Introduction begins with opening remarks and presentations related to Business Law Society Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (“BLS FH UI”), which will be carried out by the Executive Board, and presentations by BPH from the organizational field, entrepreneurship division, and the field of research of BLS FH UI. The event continued with a presentation related to National Business Law Community (“NBLC”) and a question and answer session. Then, the event closed with a documentation session and closing by the Master of Ceremony (“MC”).

BLS Corporate Talks is a work program in the form of interviews with resource persons and office tours at agencies related to business law. The purpose of the work program is to provide information on matters relating to the profession within the scope of business law, especially on the job prospects of law graduates and information on the profiles of related agencies. The entire interview process, as well as the office tour, will be recorded as a form of documentation which will later be published on the social media of the Business Law Society, Faculty of Law, the Universitas Indonesia (“BLS FH UI”), especially through YouTube BLS FH UI.

BLS Delegation Facilitator is a work program in the form of a forum that facilitates Ikatan Keluarga Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (“IKM FH UI”) to become delegates and a forum for Active Members of BLS FH UI as delegates in work programs held by the NBLC. This work program is divided into two, namely Competition Facilitator and Event Facilitator. Competition Facilitator is a forum provided by BLS FH UI to facilitate IKM FH UI Members who want to participate in competitions, such as the Legal Opinion Competition, Paper Presentation Competition, and Contract Drafting Competition. Event Facilitator is a forum for BLS FH UI Active Members to become delegates for the NBLC work program.

BLS External Database is a work program that aims to record and provide data updates relating to parties who have been invited, collaborated, or collaborated with BLS FH UI and work programs under the auspices of BLS FH UI. This work program is carried out every month in the 2023 period. The parties are in the form of business law communities and agencies. This work program aims to make it easier to find speakers and people who work with BLS FH UI for work program implementers. This work program aims to make it easier for work program implementers to find speakers and contacts of people who have previously worked with BLS FH UI.

The 11th ICDC is a work program in the form of a competition that is open to all IKM FH UI to introduce, train, and compete in contracting and negotiate simulations with quality feedback that occurs in practice. This work program aims to be a forum for IKM FH UI to train their ability to make contracts. In the future, if there are competitions or contract-making activities outside the campus, IKM FH UI who have participated in the ICDC work program will be more prepared and have experience. This competition will be followed by participants consisting of teams from IKM FH UI Members, which amounted to 6 (six) people per team. 

The 12th BLC is a national-scale legal competition that has been held eleven (11) times. The main event consisting of the Opening Ceremony, the Preliminary Round of the competition consisting of the Legal Opinion Competition (“LOC”), Contract Drafting and Negotiation Competition (“CDNC”), and Paper Presentation Competition (“PPC”), followed by Socialization of the Final Round of the competition, then trials and final implementation of LOC, CDNC, PPC, and Closing Ceremony. All the law faculties can follow the three branches of the competition in Indonesia except Faculty of Law University of Indonesia.

National Business Law Community: Social Responsibility (“NBLC SR”) is a work program organized by each Active Member of the NBLC. NBLC SR is expected to be a forum for BLS FH UI to carry out one of the mandates of the Tridharma of Higher Education regulated in Article 1 paragraph (9) of Law Number 12 concerning Higher Education, namely community service, and can also be a forum for educating the general public who are not familiar with the law regarding aspects of business law for the development of their business. The theme of the activity will be determined directly by the NBLC. This work program aims to provide education and socialization to the public regarding the basics of business law that are relevant to everyday life.

BLS Grand Outro is a work program in the form of a video that will close the trip and inform third parties that the management of the BLS FH UI Board of 2022 has been completed. The video will contain activities in the form of work programs that have been passed by the BLS FH UI Board of 2022. The videos will be uploaded to BLS FH UI social media, especially YouTube BLS FH UI. The purpose of holding this work program is to close the management of BLS FH UI to all third parties, and an appreciation for third parties who have collaborated with BLS FH UI.

bls corporate talks
the 11th icdc
bls delegation facilitator: event facilitator
bls delegation facilitator: competition facilitator
nblc social responsibility
bls grand outro
bls grand introduction