Internal Affairs Division
Work Programs
BLS Recruitment is a program organized by Internal Affairs Division to ensure the continuity of BLS FH UI’s existence by selecting and accepting BLS FH UI’s new active members. This program is held for two weeks with several events that can be attended by those who are interested to join BLS FH UI as an active members. We provide registration, research, and an interview for the candidates as a path to join our journey.
BLS Team Building is a work program that held to provide kinship environment and stimulate a sense of belonging from BLS FH UI’s members to increase their productivity. This program is organized twice a year: at the beginning of the period for BLS Team Building I and mid-period for BLS Team Building II.
BLS Corporate Skill Workshop is a perfect example of research material’s existence in organizational scope. Held twice a year, our workshops are organized to inform, educate, and train both active and passive members of BLS FH UI about the basic skills needed in the business law sector, such as Legal English, Legal Drafting, and much more. Our workshops are divided into two parts: theoretical dan practical agendas to give a deeper understanding of the materials to the participants.
BLS 21st Anniversary is a program organized by Internal Affairs Division to celebrate and commemorate BLS FH UI 21st year of establishment. This year, we celebrate our anniversary through BLS FH UI’s Official YouTube Channel which can be attended by our active and passive members as well as our alumni. It is not merely happy birthday remarks, wishes, and celebrations but it also proves how BLS FH UI has grown and developed since its establishment back in 2002.
BLS Member Database is held regularly to update data from BLS FH UI members from year to year. We collect, organize, and manage data from BLS FH UI’s members to support BLS FH UI’s programs. The data is arranged in a structured and precise manner to maximize its use. In terms of data management, we make sure members’ data is confidential and manage it in a professional manner.
BLS Training Day is an annual event that serves as a platform to train and recruit FH UI students who are interested in business law and BLS FH UI. This program is the only program in Internal Affairs Division where the organizing committees are being assessed with the Fit and Proper Test. BLS Training Day is the only path to becoming BLS FH UI’s passive and active members and claiming every benefit that BLS FH UI provides.
Musyawarah Besar BLS is a work program that aims to elect the BLS FH UI’s Executive Director and Supervisory Board for the next period. In addition, Musyawarah Besar BLS is also a forum to evaluate every BLS FH UI’s work programs that have been carried out over the past year.
BLS Rendezvous is an event that indicates the end of period of every board in BLS FH UI. Organized at the end of the period, this event act as a platform to appreciate, celebrate, and commemorate our members’ hard work for the whole period. BLS Rendezvous is one of the activities carried out with the hope that all functionaries can feel that their performance has been appreciated for the past year and to make sure that every BLS FH UI’s functionaries will have good memories with BLS FH UI until the end of the period.
BLS Grand Meeting is an annual event by Internal Affairs Division with the aim of evaluating the work programs and functionary performance in the first half, also introducing each divions’ second half work programs. BLS Grand Meeting will contain various agendas such as an accountability report presentation session from both the Executive Board as well as Managers and Vice Managers, and the distribution of report cards for BLS FH UI Board of 2023’s staff.
BLS Birthday Card is a program that is organized to appreciate and celebrate active and passive members of BLS FH UI’s birthdays. We provide birthday cards along with remarks, wishes, and even pictures dedicated to the members and send them through BLS FH UI’s Board LINE Group or by Email to the recipients. Each month, our staff will take turns to prepare and publicize the birthday card according to the members’ birthday.